Oli's Blend is back!
Leah Abdallah
We were so overwhelmed with the support Oli's Blend had over the festive period, so we wanted to create a label that was for all year round - after all, coffee is for life, not just for Christmas! 🤪

The new bag features the Alder Hey Hospital building which is very different look to your traditional hospital! Back in 2009 when the hospital was being designed, almost 1000 patients drew pictures and shared their views on how the hospital should look! 🤩
A Children and Young Peoples’ Design group was created and was made up of current and former patients aged 10-22. They all got to have their say throughout the design process, from the colours of rooms to the artwork around the hospital and what the wards should look like.
Through selling this special edition blend we are able to raise vital funds that go straight to Alder Hey to help fund equipment and facilities at the hospital for the 900 brave young patients that are treated at Alder Hey every day. 💙