We are always choosing the most eco-friendly options that are available to us and we are constantly looking for ways that we can improve.
As a business, we have a corporate, social and ethical responsibility to do our bit to help the environment.
In Our Stores
Our produce is locally sourced where possible, more on that below!
We offer all customers 50p off their hot drink when they bring in a reusable cup.
Our takeaway drinks come in recyclable cups and have compostable lids and straws.
No plastic packaging! We don’t use plastic for our takeaway products, instead, we use paper products. Meaning all of our current sandwich range is now plastic-free!
We send out our coffee to our stores and wholesale partners in reusable plastic tubs, which we reuse each week.
Where possible, our soft drinks are served in cans or glass bottles, reducing plastic usage.
Our weekly waste is sorted and recycled after collection.
In Our Roastery
If we aren’t buying directly from farms, we are making sure that our beans are being sourced in a fair and transparent way. We always pay well above market average for great coffee, and as one of our
core principles we always will.
Some of our coffee comes in grain Pro bags which we then reuse as bin bags!
We use 4kg reusable heavy-duty plastic tubs to transport coffee to our stores and local wholesale customers.
We only have one van for deliveries to our stores and wholesale customers in both Merseyside and Greater Manchester.
We work with local producers where we can, to further ensure our overall mileage is kept down!
Some of our roastery team take home the chaff (waste) to use in their gardens and allotments.
Helping Reduce CO2
It’s important to us that all our coffee bags are CO2-neutral and fully recyclable. Our coffee bag supplier supports CO2-reducing projects in coffee-growing countries, too.
We don’t like to see the bags go to waste either. Our used coffee sacks are available in all stores for you to take and reuse as you wish. With Christmas fast approaching, we think they look pretty good around the bottom of a Christmas tree.
We are working with Liverpool-based leading carbon experts, Carbon Happy World, to ensure we are always making the best choices for the planet. They track and monitor all aspects of the business, and are guiding and supporting us in various projects so we can reduce our CO2 impact.
Reuse & Save
We have reusable cups from £3.95 in all stores, so everyone can afford to stop using single-use take-out cups. Customers using a reusable cup will get 50p off their hot drink every time, which makes a pretty saving when you add it all up!
Compostable Pods
Plastic and aluminium pods take hundreds of years to break down. Our Bean Blend pods are made from biopolymer, meaning you can stick these in your home compost, your food waste bin, or into the soil where they will break down – even the box the come in is 100% recyclable!

Keeping it Local
We are proud of our long-lasting relationships with local businesses and proud to stock their goods as well as our own.
It is important to us that our suppliers comply with the same practices we do, so you can rest assured that we pick only the best products from like-minded businesses, who care just as much as we do about ethical and green practices.
Our Suppliers
Since opening our first store, we have used local and ethical suppliers based in and around Liverpool, Manchester and the North West wherever possible. It is important to us to support the local economy and to reduce our carbon footprint overall.
Quality is of vital importance to us, we meet with suppliers face-to-face to sample products, ensure high standards and enhance relationships.
Milk from Moretons Dairy
Bread from The Bread Factory or Freshfields
Giving Back
We love our partnership with Alder Hey Children’s Charity. Since the launch of our Special Edition Brazil DBarbosa “Oli’s Blend”, which was chosen by the Alder Hey staff and named after their mascot, we have raised over £10,000 for them.
The Liverpool-based charity funds state-of-the-art equipment, facilities, and life-saving research. They are proud to bring the extra magic that makes hospital life the best it can be for 900 brave young patients treated at Alder Hey every day.
Registered Charity No. 1160661